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Title Artist Time


  • It Can't All Be Big Band Jazz

    By thewestcoaster
    I like Harry's jazzier stuff and his standards, but it feels like forever since he gave me a 3rd album to group with She and Star Turtle. I love the NOLA funk feel to this album.
  • huh?

    By bmac811
    this is jazz? i have been a fan of his '94. His music got weird. I want the old harry. Jammin with Leroy, Ben Wolfe, Shannon Powell. The old stuff that put him on the map. Will we see it again???
  • Great one

    By Bourbon1996
    Love every song available. Purchased the whole cd. And that does not happen much.
  • Regurgitation of Star Turtle- Or Rerelease of it...

    By bozzrick
    I love Star Turtle, it's a album that I'v gotten my kids into. I was so looking forward to a new CD that was like Star Turtle. Problem is this is star Turle. Very disapointed with the marketing people on this. I hate giving this 1 star, but I feel riped off. Harry why would you do this to us?
  • Great Album - cheap rerelease of Star Turtle tracks

    By iamdeadserious
    My favorite records by Harry are She and Star Turtle, so the return to a more funk sound was certainly welcomed. The new tracks are pretty great. Smokey Mary, Wish I Were Him, S'pposed to Be, and Dang You Pretty being the clear stand out tracks during my first few listens. My only problem with this album is the addition of the two Star Turtle tracks - not even rerecorded or anything. I don't mind when artists redo an older song for a new album (Harry rerecorded Lazy Bones for "Oh, My NOLA"), but to literally take two studio tracks from a 1996 album and put them on your new 2013 studio album with 9 brand new songs is pretty ridiculous and seems a little cheap. I wonder if it was Harry's call or Columbia trying to save some money on studio time...
  • At first listen..

    By Mileswinslow
    Generally, I tend not to be hasty when passing judgement on new music. There are great things about this album at first listen, especially the re-released StarTurtle tracks. I enjoy the NOLA funk, however I feel like the tracks lack variety and interest. Much like his last release, I find myself a bit dissapointed and longing for more. I missed the energy that we're so used to hearing from Harry. I'm anxiously awaiting a new Big Band album, as I feel that is where he really shines, in both song writing and performance.
  • I LOVE IT!

    By cdogpats14
    I love this CD! I'm going to leave it at that.